GOLF & CULTURE, The Art of Golf - Brassie
The second volume dedicated to the Art of GolfThe cultural programme of the event features promotion of a book devoted to golf, comprising artwork by some of the most important modern and contemporary international artists who dedicate or have dedicated their reflection to this sport. The PART 72 Project stems from the idea of creating a series of artistic volumes on the game of golf, published in limited edition, illustrated by modern and contemporary artists celebrated at world level, along with texts by international poets, writers and famous people of all epochs that deal with this sport. The volume is printed in various languages and in limited edition, and aims to be a milestone among Sport, Art and Culture a “must” among the volumes dedicated to sport throughout the world. The collection consists of eight volumes, each one published in a different format and illustrated by nine artists. The name of the collection derives from a combination of the word “ART” with the ideal number of strokes “PAR 72” to be played on a golf course in a complete round of 18 holes. Joining PAR72 and ART gives the name of the project, PART 72. The number of artists involved in the project (9 for each volume) totals 72. The volume is printed in Limited Edition, numbered from 0 to 648. Each volume will bear the name of a golf club in the ancient Scottish language. On the occasion of the Royal Golf Silver Trophy Viceversa Challenge 2008, a second edition will be issued. The title of the second Volume is “Brassie” (which in XIX-century Scotland stood for the no. 2 iron).
PART72 The Art of Golf - Brassie, (II volume) interview
with professor Philippe Daverio by Gianni Salvaterra and with an original limited
edition Art Multiple by John Armleder.
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